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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 516-522, jul. 2024. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538029


This article aimed to discuss the protection of trans - nerolidol on vascular endothelial cells (ECs) injured by lipopolysac charides. ECs were divided into four groups: normal, model, low and high dose trans - nerolidol treatment groups. The cell survival rate and the contents of NO in the cell culture supernatant were determined. The protein expression and transcript level of pe roxisome proliferator - activated receptor - γ (PPARγ), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were determined by western blotting and RT - PCR respectively. Compared with the normal group, cell livability, protein e xpression and mRNA transcript level of PPARγ and eNOS decreased, NO contents, protein expression and mRNA transcript tlevel of iNOS increased in model group significantly. Compared with model group, all the changes recovered in different degree in treatmen t groups. Hence, it was concluded that trans - nerolidol can alleviate the ECs injuryby the regulation of iNOS/eNOS through activating PPARγ in a dose - dependent manner

Este artículo tiene como objetivo discutir la protección del trans - nerolidol en las células endoteliales vasculares (CE) dañadas por lipopolisacáridos. Las CE se di vidieron en cuatro grupos: normal, modelo, grupos de tratamiento con trans - nerolidol de baja y alta dosis. Se determinó la tasa de supervivencia de las células y los contenidos de óxido nítrico (NO) en el sobrenadante del cultivo celular. La expresión de p roteínas y el nivel de transcripción del receptor activado por proliferadores de peroxisomas - γ (PPARγ), el óxido nítrico sint et asa endotelial (eNOS) y el óxido nítrico sint et asa inducible (iNOS) se determinaron mediante western blot y RT - PCR, respectivamen te. En comparación con el grupo normal, la viabilidad celular, la expresión de proteínas y el nivel de transcripción de PPARγ y eNOS disminuyeron, los contenidos de NO, la expresión de proteínas y el nivel de transcripción de iNOS aumentaron significativam ente en el grupo modelo. En comparación con el grupo modelo, todos los cambios se recuperaron en diferentes grados en los grupos de tratamiento. Por lo tanto, se concluyó que el trans - nerolidol puede aliviar el daño en las CE regulando iNOS/eNOS a través d e la activación de PPARγ de manera dependiente de la dosis.

Sesquiterpenes/pharmacology , Lipopolysaccharides/pharmacology , Endothelial Cells/drug effects
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 577-607, jul. 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538069


El presente estudio es una comparación del dolor abdominal producido por trastornos gastrointestinales, aliviado por Ageratina ligustrina , entre los grupos maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqchi ́, el cual integró un enfoque etnomédico, etnobotánico y transcultural, comparando estudios previos con el presente trabajo de campo. Para evaluar la eficacia de Ageratina para aliviar el dolor abdominal, se realizó un inventario de las moléculas reportadas en esta especie, así como de su actividad farmacológica, a través de una revisión bibliográfica. Los resultados mostraron que la epidemiología del dolor producido por TGI, su etnobotánica y el modelo explicativo del dolor abdominal fueron similares entre grupos étnicos. Asimismo, se identificaron 27 moléculas con efectos antiinflamatorios y antinociceptivos, lo que podría explicar por qué esta especie es culturalmente importante para los pobladores maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqch i ́ para el alivio del dolor abdominal, mientras que, desde el punto de vista biomédico, es una especie con potencial para inhibir el dolor visceral.

The current study is a comparison of the abdominal pain conception produced by gastrointestinal disorders, relieved by Ageratina ligustrina , among inhabitants of the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups ethnomedical, ethnobotanical, and cross -cultural approaches were used to compare previous studies with the present field work. To evaluate the efficacy of A. ligustrina to relieve pain, also through a bibliographic review an inventory of the molecules present in this species was performed, as well as their pharmacological activity. The results showed that the epidemiology of pain produced by GID, its ethnobotany, and the explanatory model of abdominal pain are similar among ethnic groups. Likewise, 27 molecules with anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects were identified, which could explain why this species is culturally important for the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups for the relief of abdominal pain, while, from a biomedical point of view, it is a species with potential to inhibit visceral pain.

Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Ageratina , Ethnobotany , Gastrointestinal Diseases/drug therapy , Mexico
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e252910, 2024. tab, mapas, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360209


Bemisia tabaci is a species complex that causes damage to its broad range of plant hosts through serious feeding. It transmits plant viruses of different groups to important agricultural crops. Some important cash crops of Pakistan are sugar cane, rice, tobacco and seed oil. It shows high genetic variability and is differentiated as races or biotypes. Biotypes are, biotype Q, biotype B, biotype B2, biotype M, biotype L, biotype A, biotype H, biotype C, biotype K, biotype N, biotype R, biotype E, biotype P, biotype J, biotype S, biotype AN. Although the current report based on the Bayesian study of mitochondrial cytohrome oxidase gene1 (CO1) DNA sequences has classified the different populations of whiteflies into twelve genetic groups which are Mediterranean, Sub-Saharan Africa silverleafing, Indian Ocean, Asia II, Asia I, Australia, New World, Italy, China, Sub-Saharan Africa non-silverleafing, Mediterranean/Asia Minor/Africa and Uganda sweet potato. Begomoviruses is largest group of viruses transmitted by B. tabaci and cause major diseases of crops such as tomato and chili leaf curl disease, cassava mosaic disease; yellow mosaic disease of legumes and cotton leaf curl disease. The main objective of current study is to inculpate knowledge regarding genetic diversity of whitefly in cotton fields across Pakistan via analysis of partial DNA sequence of mitochondrial gene Cytochrom Oxidase I (mtCO1).

Bemisia tabaci é um complexo de espécies que causa danos a uma ampla gama de hospedeiros vegetais por meio de alimentação séria. Ele transmite vírus de plantas de diferentes grupos para importantes safras agrícolas. Algumas safras comerciais importantes do Paquistão são cana-de-açúcar, arroz, tabaco e óleo de semente. Apresenta alta variabilidade genética e é diferenciado em raças ou biótipos. Os biótipos são: biótipo Q, biótipo B, biótipo B2, biótipo M, biótipo L, biótipo A, biótipo H, biótipo C, biótipo K, biótipo N, biótipo R, biótipo E, biótipo P, biótipo J, biótipo S, biótipo AN . Embora o relatório atual baseado no estudo bayesiano das sequências de DNA do gene 1 da oxidase do citocromo mitocondrial (CO1) tenha classificado as diferentes populações de moscas-brancas em doze grupos genéticos, que são Mediterrâneo, África Subsaariana com folha de prata, Oceano Índico, Ásia II, Ásia I, Austrália, Novo Mundo, Itália, China, África Subsaariana sem folha prateada, Batata-doce Mediterrâneo / Ásia Menor / África e Uganda. Os begomovírus são o maior grupo de vírus transmitidos por B. tabaci e causam as principais doenças de culturas, como a doença do cacho do tomate e da pimenta-malagueta, doença do mosaico da mandioca, doença do mosaico amarelo de leguminosas e doença do enrolamento da folha do algodão. O principal objetivo do presente estudo é inculpar conhecimento sobre a diversidade genética da mosca-branca em campos de algodão em todo o Paquistão por meio da análise da sequência parcial de DNA do gene mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidase I (mtCO1).

Genetic Variation , Genes, Mitochondrial , Begomovirus , Agricultural Pests
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469347


Abstract Bemisia tabaci is a species complex that causes damage to its broad range of plant hosts through serious feeding. It transmits plant viruses of different groups to important agricultural crops. Some important cash crops of Pakistan are sugar cane, rice, tobacco and seed oil. It shows high genetic variability and is differentiated as races or biotypes. Biotypes are, biotype Q, biotype B, biotype B2, biotype M, biotype L, biotype A, biotype H, biotype C, biotype K, biotype N, biotype R, biotype E, biotype P, biotype J, biotype S, biotype AN. Although the current report based on the Bayesian study of mitochondrial cytohrome oxidase gene1 (CO1) DNA sequences has classified the different populations of whiteflies into twelve genetic groups which are Mediterranean, Sub-Saharan Africa silverleafing, Indian Ocean, Asia II, Asia I, Australia, New World, Italy, China, Sub-Saharan Africa non-silverleafing, Mediterranean/Asia Minor/Africa and Uganda sweet potato. Begomoviruses is largest group of viruses transmitted by B. tabaci and cause major diseases of crops such as tomato and chili leaf curl disease, cassava mosaic disease; yellow mosaic disease of legumes and cotton leaf curl disease. The main objective of current study is to inculpate knowledge regarding genetic diversity of whitefly in cotton fields across Pakistan via analysis of partial DNA sequence of mitochondrial gene Cytochrom Oxidase I (mtCO1).

Resumo Bemisia tabaci é um complexo de espécies que causa danos a uma ampla gama de hospedeiros vegetais por meio de alimentação séria. Ele transmite vírus de plantas de diferentes grupos para importantes safras agrícolas. Algumas safras comerciais importantes do Paquistão são cana-de-açúcar, arroz, tabaco e óleo de semente. Apresenta alta variabilidade genética e é diferenciado em raças ou biótipos. Os biótipos são: biótipo Q, biótipo B, biótipo B2, biótipo M, biótipo L, biótipo A, biótipo H, biótipo C, biótipo K, biótipo N, biótipo R, biótipo E, biótipo P, biótipo J, biótipo S, biótipo AN . Embora o relatório atual baseado no estudo bayesiano das sequências de DNA do gene 1 da oxidase do citocromo mitocondrial (CO1) tenha classificado as diferentes populações de moscas-brancas em doze grupos genéticos, que são Mediterrâneo, África Subsaariana com folha de prata, Oceano Índico, Ásia II, Ásia I, Austrália, Novo Mundo, Itália, China, África Subsaariana sem folha prateada, Batata-doce Mediterrâneo / Ásia Menor / África e Uganda. Os begomovírus são o maior grupo de vírus transmitidos por B. tabaci e causam as principais doenças de culturas, como a doença do cacho do tomate e da pimenta-malagueta, doença do mosaico da mandioca, doença do mosaico amarelo de leguminosas e doença do enrolamento da folha do algodão. O principal objetivo do presente estudo é inculpar conhecimento sobre a diversidade genética da mosca-branca em campos de algodão em todo o Paquistão por meio da análise da sequência parcial de DNA do gene mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidase I (mtCO1).

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(2): 17-25, abr./jun 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537357


Introdução: A osteotomia Le Fort I possibilita a correção de deformidades dentofaciais que envolvem o terço médio da face. Para sua fixação, convencionou-se o emprego de quatro mini-placas nos pilares zigomático-maxilar e nasomaxilar. Propôs-se então, a dispensa da fixação do segmento posterior, surgindo questionamentos relacionados à capacidade biomecânica do sistema. Objetivos: Comparar o estresse biomecânico gerado em três meios distintos de fixação da osteotomia Le Fort I frente ao movimento de avanço sagital linear maxilar de 7mm. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa experimental laboratorial, utilizando-se da análise de elementos finitos como ferramenta analítica, a fim de constatar qual das técnicas sofrerá maior estresse biomecânico. Resultados: Constatou-se que o estresse biomecânico gerado é maior quando aplicado em 4 pontos do que quando aplicado em apenas 2 pontos. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos fornecem informações aos cirurgiões sobre a real necessidade do uso de fixação adicional de acordo com o método de fixação planejado. No entanto, deve ser interpretado de forma cautelosa, considerando-se as limitações deste estudo. Sendo assim, uma análise incipiente, que tem como intuito o fornecimento de evidência científica de grande significância.

Introducción: La osteotomía Le Fort I permite la corrección de deformidades dentofaciales que involucran el tercio medio de la cara. Para su fijación se acordó utilizar cuatro miniplacas en los pilares cigomaticomaxilar y nasomaxilar. Entonces se propuso prescindir de la fijación del segmento posterior, planteando interrogantes relacionados con la capacidad biomecánica del sistema. Objetivos: Comparar el estrés biomecánico generado en tres medios diferentes de fijación de la osteotomía Le Fort I frente a un movimiento de avance sagital lineal maxilar de 7mm. Metodología: Se trata de una investigación experimental de laboratorio, utilizando como herramienta analítica el análisis de elementos finitos, con el fin de comprobar cuál de las técnicas sufrirá un mayor estrés biomecánico. Resultados: Se encontró que el estrés biomecánico generado es mayor cuando se aplica en 4 puntos que cuando se aplica solo en 2 puntos. Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos brindan información a los cirujanos sobre la necesidad real de utilizar fijación adicional de acuerdo al método de fijación planificado. Sin embargo, debe interpretarse con cautela, considerando las limitaciones de este estudio. Por tanto, un análisis incipiente, que pretende aportar evidencias científicas de gran trascendencia.

Introduction: The Le Fort I osteotomy allows the correction of dentofacial deformities involving the middle third of the face. For its fixation, it was agreed to use four mini plates on the zygomaticomaxillary and nasomaxillary pillars. It was then proposed to dispense with the fixation of the posterior segment, raising questions related to the biomechanical capacity of the system. Objectives: To compare the biomechanical stress generated in three different means of fixation of the Le Fort I osteotomy against a 7mm maxillary linear sagittal advancement movement. Methodology: This is an experimental laboratory research, using finite element analysis as an analytical tool, in order to verify which of the techniques will suffer greater biomechanical stress. Results: It was found that the biomechanical stress generated is greater when applied to 4 points than when applied to only 2 points. Conclusion: The results obtained provide information to surgeons about the real need to use additional fixation according to the planned fixation method. However, it should be interpreted with caution, considering the limitations of this study. Therefore, an incipient analysis, which aims to provide scientific evidence of great significance.

Osteotomy, Le Fort , Finite Element Analysis , Orthognathic Surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(9): e20221210, set. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514744


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the expression of C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 and its C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4, and the tumor-stroma ratio using collagen stromal content of breast cancer samples, correlating it with clinicopathological data. METHODS: Through a retrospective cohort study, samples were obtained from female patients, over 18 years of age, with the disease in stages 1-4, who underwent mastectomy or lumpectomy. The biopsies were provided by the Oncology sector of the Hospital das Clínicas of Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife city, in 2011-2014, including samples of invasive ductal carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ, or benign changes (fibroadenoma and hypertrophy), which were analyzed between 2020 and 2022 by immunohistochemistry for the expression of stromal cell characteristics. Collagen content was tested by Gomori staining and digital analysis of images. RESULTS: Absence of stromal expression of C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 was associated with longer disease-free survival (disease-free survival=0.481), and expression of C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 was associated with lower disease-free survival. An association was observed between clinicopathological variables and stromal expression of chemokines, that is, an association of stromal C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 with histological grade, angiolymphatic invasion, and an association between C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 expression and histological grade. Analyses of digital pixels images of collagen and tumor cells showed a lower percentage of collagen in the invasive ductal carcinoma samples (39%), unlike samples without neoplasms (78%). CONCLUSION: Low expression of C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 may be associated with a worse prognosis for breast cancer. Collagen staining analyzed using digital images represents an opportunity for clinical application and is indicative of the prognosis of the tumor microenvironment in breast carcinoma.

Odontol.sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 26(3): e24730, jul.-set.2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538051


Objetive. Human teeth have been commonly used for in vitro and in situ studies. Cu­rrently, other animals' teeth have been purposed for dental research to overcome human teeth' problematic availability. This study aimed to investigate the enamel and dentin from human, bovine, and ovine teeth concerning the microhardness, organic, and in­ organic contents via micro­Raman spectroscopy. Methods. Human, bovine, and ovine teeth were divided according to their type and age into seven groups: Ovine; Bovine­12 months; Bovine­24 months; Bovine­36 months; Bovine­48 months; Bovine­+60 months; Human (control). The enamel's microhardness (superficial and deep) and den­tin (superficial, middle, and deep) were analyzed. The calcium/phosphate ratio and am­ide contents were determined by micro­Raman spectroscopy. Results. Overall, the mi­crohardness of human enamel was superior to the other species. Dentin's microhardness was similar among groups. Ovine group showed lower values of calcium/phosphate ratio than human. Amide content was similar between bovine and human. The microhardness and calcium/phosphate ratio of enamel and dentin, respectively, decreased as the age of bovine teeth increased. Conclusions. Researchers must be aware and take into consider­ation the differences of ovine and bovine enamel compared to human enamel. Other al­ternatives that are more similar to the microhardness of human enamel should be sought. Bovine teeth of 12 and 24 months are suitable substitutes for dentin of human teeth. Researchers must also be aware of the age of the animals and specify it in the studies.

Objetivo. Los dientes humanos se han utilizado comúnmente para estudios in vitro e in situ. Actualmente, los dientes de otros animales se han destinado a la investiga­ción dental para superar la disponibilidad problemática de los dientes humanos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el esmalte y la dentina de los dientes humanos, bovinos y ovinos en relación con la microdureza y los contenidos orgánicos e inor­gánicos a través de la espectroscopia micro­Raman. Métodos. Los dientes humanos, bovinos y ovinos se dividieron según su tipo y edad en siete grupos: Ovinos; Bovino­12 meses; Bovino­24 meses; Bovino­36 meses; Bovino­48 meses; Bovino­+60 meses; Hu­mano (control). Se analizó la microdureza del esmalte (superficial y profunda) y de la dentina (superficial, media y profunda). La relación calcio/fosfato y los contenidos de amida se determinaron mediante espectroscopía micro­Raman. Resultados. En general, la microdureza del esmalte humano fue superior a la de otras especies. La microdureza de la dentina fue similar entre los grupos. El grupo ovino mostró valores más bajos de la relación calcio/fosfato que el humano. El contenido de amida fue similar entre bovinos y humanos. La microdureza y la relación calcio/fosfato del esmalte y la dentina, respectiva­mente, disminuyeron a medida que aumentaba la edad de los dientes bovinos. Conclusiones. El esmalte de los dientes ovinos y bovinos no es un sustituto adecuado del de los dientes humanos. Se deben buscar otras alternativas que sean similares a la microdureza del esmalte humano. Sin embargo, los dientes bovinos de 12 y 24 meses son sustitutos adecuados de la dentina de los dientes humanos. Los investigadores deben conocer la edad de los animales y especificarla en los estudios.

Humanidad. med ; 23(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448426


Los ensayos clínicos en Fase I se realzan con la participación de voluntarios sanos de prueban la seguridad y tolerabilidad de los productos farmacéuticos en investigación. En ellos, los participantes están expuestos a riesgos de medicamentos del estudio sin la posibilidad de un beneficio médico directo y, por lo general, deben pasar días o semanas en un centro de investigación. Los incentivos, como pagos monetarios se utilizan para incentivar la inscripción y compensar a los participantes por su tiempo. Estas características de los ensayos voluntarios sanos de fase I crean un contexto de investigación que difiere notablemente de la mayoría de las otras investigaciones clínicas, pues la mayoría de ellos son personas vulnerables económicamente. Este artículo presenta el objetivo de analizar factores bioéticos que inciden en el otorgamiento de incentivos a participantes voluntarios sanos en investigaciones Fase I.

Phase I Clinical Trials are conducted with the participation of healthy volunteers to test the safety and tolerability of pharmaceutical products. In them, participants are exposed to study drug risks without the possibility of direct medical benefit and usually must spend days or weeks at a research site. Incentives such as monetary payments are used to encourage enrollment and compensate participants for their time. These characteristics of Phase I healthy volunteer trials create a research context that differs markedly from most other clinical research, as most of them are financially vulnerable individuals. This paper aims to analyze bioethical factors that influence the granting of incentives to healthy volunteer participants in Phase I research.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 11106, abr./jun. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510548


O artigo tem por objetivo identificar os motivos que levaram as pessoas a buscarem o Poder Judiciário visando obter medicamentos para tratamento da hepatite C. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo transversal, de natureza quantitativa, no qual foram analisados 235 acórdãos e decisões monocráticas proferidas pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre 2010 e 2020. Os resultados evidenciaram que a razão principal é insuficiência de renda. Também apontou-se que a judicialização da saúde não é um fenômeno adstrito às pessoas de baixa renda; que os medicamentos mais requeridos são Ribavirina, Interferon, Sofosbuvir e Daclatasvir; e que o percentual de concessão judicial de medicamentos é de 93,6%. Conclui-se que há necessidade de reavaliação do Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas para Hepatite C e Coinfecções, do Plano Nacional de Hepatites Virais e do Plano para Eliminação da Hepatite C.

This article aims to identify which reasons lead people to seek the Judiciary in order to obtain medication for the treatment of hepatitis C. This is a quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study where 235 judgements and lower court decisions rendered by the state of Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice between the years of 2010 and 2020 were analyzed. The results showed that the main reason why people turn to the Judiciary is low-income. It was also pointed that the health judicialization is not a phenomenon connected to low-income; the most required drugs are Ribavirina, Interferon, Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir; and the percentage of judicial medicine concession is 93.6%. The data obtained lead to the conclusion that there is a need to reassess the Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines for Hepatitis C and Coinfections, the National Plan for Viral Hepatitis and the Plan for the Elimination of Hepatitis C.

Entramado ; 19(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534420


R E S U M E N En pacientes con ortodoncia aparecen eventos patológicos no deseados como agrandamiento gingival inducido por tratamiento de ortodoncia (AGTO) o hipertrofia gingival. El objetivo del estudio es identificar la distribución inmunohistoquímica de citoqueratina CK-14, CK-19 y Ki-67 en epitelio gingival de pacientes con AGTO. Se seleccionaron I3 pacientes divididos en: grupo control (n=6), conformado por individuos periodontalmente sanos no portadores de aparatología ortodóntica y grupo test (n=7), integrado por pacientes con AGTO. Los marcadores CK-14, CK-19 y Ki-67 fueron identificados mediante inmunohistoquímica con anticuerpos monoclonales y observados en un microscopio óptico Leica DM 500. En los pacientes del grupo test el tejido epitelial se mostró hipertrófico con pérdida en la continuidad de la membrana basal. La CK-14 y CK-19 fue positiva en el epitelio de todos los sujetos evaluados, con una expresión positiva de alta intensidad en células de la lámina basal del grupo test. El promedio de células positivas para Ki-67 en el grupo test fue de 56%. En conclusión, la CK-14, CK-19 y Ki-67 son marcadores con elevada inmunoreactividad en tejido gingival de pacientes con AGTO portadores de ortodoncia.

During orthodontic treatment, unwanted pathological events such as gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment or gingival hypertrophy may appear The objective of this study is to identify immunohistochemical distribution of cytokeratin CK-14, CK-19 and Ki-67 in the gingival epithelium of patients with gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment. Thirteen patients were selected divided into: control group (n = 6), conformed of periodontally healthy individuals without orthodontic appliances and the test group (n = 7), conformed of patients with gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment. The biomarkers CK-14, CK-19 and Ki-67 were identified by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies and observed in a Leica DM 500 optical microscope. Hypertrophic epithelial tissue with loss of continuity of the basement membrane was found in the test group patients. CK-14 and CK-19 were positive in the epithelial tissue of all the subjects evaluated, with a high intensity positive expression in the cells of the basal lamina of the test group. The average number of cells positive for Ki-67 in test group was 56%. In conclusion, CK-14, CK-19 and Ki-67 are biomarkers with high immunoreactivity in the gingival tissue of patients with gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment.

Durante o tratamento ortodôntico, eventos patológicos indesejados como o crescimento gengival induzido pelo tratamento ortodôntico (CGTO) ou hipertrofia gengival podem aparecer: O objetivo deste estudo é identificar a distribuição imuno-histoquímica das citoqueratinas CK -14, CK-19 e Ki-67 no epitélio gengival de pacientes com CGTO. Foram selecionados 13 pacientes divididos em: grupo controle (n=6), conformado por indivíduos periodontalmente saudáveis sem aparelhos ortodônticos e o grupo teste (n=7), conformado por pacientes com CGTO. Os biomarcadores CK-14, CK-19 e Ki-67 foram identificados por imuno-histoquímica com anticorpos monoclonais e observados em microscópio óptico Leica DM 500. Tecido epitelial hipertrófico com perda de continuidade da membrana basal foi encontrado nos pacientes do grupo teste. CK-14 e CK-19 foram positivos no tecido epitelial de todos os sujeitos avaliados, com expressão positiva de alta intensidade nas células da lâmina basal do grupo teste. O número médio de células positivas para Ki-67 no grupo teste foi de 56%. Em conclusão, CK-14, CK-19 e Ki-67 são biomarcadores com alta imunorreatividade no tecido gengival de pacientes com CGTO.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(1)jun. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535724


Bacillus thuringiensis is a worldwide known bacterium for its capacity to control insect pests thanks to the action of its parasporal crystal. The objective of this paper deals with the history, in some cases unknown, of the study of Bacillus thuringiensis that led it to be a crucial biological alternative in controlling pest insects. How the mode of action for killing insects was understood, as well as the field tests that were carried out to evaluate its effectiveness and to develop the first commercial products, are reflected in this review that presents and discusses the scientific successes and failures that marked the course of B. thuringiensis.

Bacillus thuringiensis es una bacteria conocida mundialmente por su capacidad para controlar insectos plaga, gracias a la acción de su cristal parasporal. El objetivo de esta revisión trata de la historia, en algunos casos desconocida, del estudio de Bacillus thuringiensis que la llevó a ser una importante alternativa biológica en el control de insectos plaga. Cómo se llegó a comprender el modo de acción para matar insectos, así como las pruebas de campo que se realizaron para evaluar su efectividad y lograr desarrollar los primeros productos comerciales están plasmados en esta revisión que presenta y discute los aciertos y desaciertos científicos que marcaron el rumbo de B. thuringiensis.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535915


Introduction: Autoimmune hepatitis is a liver inflammatory disorder characterized by portal lymphoplasmacytic hepatitis with interface activity and lobular inflammation. Objective: The objective of this study is to identify clinical features associated with advanced age and significant inflammation in liver histology. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study evaluated the medical records of adult patients with hepatitis who received treatment in the gastroenterology and hepatology ward of a tertiary university hospital. Bivariate analysis was conducted to identify characteristics associated with an age of 50 years or older and significant histological inflammatory activity. Results: A total of 47 patients were included, with a mean age of 42.8 ± 16.0 (43.0) years. Among them, 80.9% were women, and 31.9% were 50 years or older. Liver biopsy was performed on 31 patients, and 29.0% exhibited significant inflammation. When comparing age groups, individuals aged 50 years and older had a higher median γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT; 129 vs. 282 U/L; p = 0.034) and a higher proportion of significant inflammation (50% vs. 6.7%; p = 0.024). Patients with significant inflammation on liver biopsy had a higher mean age (63.7 ± 14.0 vs. 41.0 ± 14.4; p = 0.001) and a higher proportion of patients aged 50 years or older (85.7% vs. 66.7%; p = 0.024) compared to those with mild inflammation. Conclusions: Individuals aged 50 years and older exhibited a higher median GGT and a greater proportion of significant inflammation in liver histology.

Introducción: la hepatitis autoinmune es un trastorno inflamatorio hepático caracterizado histológicamente por hepatitis linfoplasmocítica portal con actividad de interfase e inflamación lobulillar. Objetivos: identificar las características clínicas asociadas con la edad avanzada y con una inflamación significativa en la histología hepática. Métodos: estudio analítico transversal que evaluó historias clínicas de pacientes adultos con hepatitis atendidos en la sala de gastroenterología y hepatología de un hospital universitario terciario. Se realizó un análisis bivariado para identificar las características asociadas a la edad igual o mayor a 50 años y la actividad inflamatoria histológica significativa. Resultados: se incluyó a 47 pacientes con una edad media de 42,8 ± 16,0 (43,0) años. Además, el 80,9% de ellos eran mujeres y el 31,9% tenían 50 años o más. 31 pacientes fueron sometidos a biopsia hepática y el 29,0% presentó inflamación significativa. Cuando se comparó en términos de edad, los individuos de 50 años o más presentaron medianas más altas de γ-glutamiltransferasa (GGT; 129 frente a 282 U/L; p = 0,034) y una mayor proporción de inflamación significativa (50% frente a 6,7%; p = 0,024). Los pacientes con inflamación significativa en la biopsia hepática presentaron mayor edad media (63,7 ± 14,0 frente a 41,0 ± 14,4; p = 0,001) y mayor proporción de pacientes con edad igual o superior a 50 años (85,7% frente a 66,7%; p = 0,024) que las personas con inflamación leve. Conclusiones: los individuos de 50 años o más presentaron medianas más altas de GGT y mayor proporción de inflamación significativa en la histología hepática.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 789-797, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514318


SUMMARY: Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) exerts balancing the intracellular level between two-second messengers, diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid, by its phosphorylation activity. DGK ζ is often localized in cell nuclei, suggesting its involvement in the regulation of intranuclear activities, including mitosis and apoptosis. The present immunohistochemical study of rat kidneys first revealed no detection levels of DGK ζ -immunoreactivity in nuclei of most proximal tubule epithelia in contrast to its distinct occurrence in cell nuclei of collecting and distal tubules with the former more dominant. This finding suggests that DGK ζ is a key factor regulating vulnerability to acute kidney injury in various renal tubules: its low expression represents the high vulnerability of proximal tubule cells, and its distinct expression does the resistance of collecting and distal tubule cells. In addition, this isozyme was more or less localized in nuclei of cells forming glomeruli as well as in endothelial nuclei of peritubular capillaries and other intrarenal blood vessels, and epithelial nuclei of glomerular capsules (Bowman's capsules) and renal calyces, including intrarenal interstitial cells.

La diacilglicerol quinasa (DGK) ejerce el equilibrio del nivel intracelular entre dos segundos mensajeros, diacilglicerol y ácido fosfatídico, por su actividad de fosforilación. La DGK ζ a menudo se localiza en los núcleos celulares, lo que sugiere su participación en la regulación de las actividades intranucleares, incluidas la mitosis y la apoptosis. El presente estudio inmunohistoquímico en riñones de rata no reveló niveles de detección de inmunorreactividad de DGK ζ en los núcleos de la mayoría de los epitelios de los túbulos proximales, en contraste a la detección en los núcleos celulares de los túbulos colectores y distales, siendo el primero más dominante. Este hallazgo sugiere que DGK ζ es un factor clave que regula la vulnerabilidad a la lesión renal aguda en varios túbulos renales: su baja expresión representa la alta vulnerabilidad de las células del túbulo proximal, y su expresión distinta hace a la resistencia de las células del túbulo colector y distal. Además, esta isoenzima estaba más o menos localizada en los núcleos de las células que forman los glomérulos, así como en los núcleos endoteliales de los capilares peritubulares y otros vasos sanguíneos intrarrenales, y en los núcleos epiteliales de las cápsulas glomerulares (cápsulas de Bowman) y los cálices renales, incluidas las células intersticiales intrarrenales.

Animals , Rats , Diacylglycerol Kinase/metabolism , Kidney Tubules/metabolism , Immunohistochemistry , Microscopy, Immunoelectron , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Diacylglycerol Kinase/ultrastructure , Kidney Tubules/ultrastructure
Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 12(2): 36-49, abr.-jun.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435918


Objetivo: verificar se o Estado pode ser responsabilizado pelas mortes havidas por coronavírus. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória por meio de sites oficiais do Governo Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça; utilizou-se o método técnico-jurídico e dedutivo, com a análise conceitual dos fundamentos e requisitos legais encontrados em estudos científicos e na doutrina, além da observação jurisprudencial análoga, visando elucidar e confrontar ações e omissões governamentais a respeito da emergência em saúde iniciada em 2020. Resultados: a imprevisibilidade é causa excludente de indenização, entretanto, sob o ângulo da precaução, a forma adotada pelo Governo em certas medidas e políticas no enfrentamento à pandemia é capaz de gerar responsabilização de obrigação indenizatória. Conclusão: eventos pandêmicos, em regra, seriam causas excludentes de responsabilização por sua imprevisibilidade, contudo, podem adequar-se dentro de uma previsibilidade que permita ações preventivas para dirimir riscos por meio de governança pública da saúde.

Objective: to examine whether the state can be held responsible for deaths caused by coronavirus. Methods: An exploratory study was carried out using the websites of the Federal Government and the Superior Court of Justice toclarify and address government acts and omissions surrounding the health emergency of pandemics. The fundamentals and legal requirements identified in scientific investigations and in the doctrine were conceptually analyzed along with similar jurisprudential observation and the technical-legal and deductive approaches. Results: unpredictability is a foundation that precludes indemnification, but from a cautious standpoint, the formin which the government responded to the pandemic with specific measures and policies may result in culpability for indemnification obligations. Conclusion: Pandemic events generally preclude liability because of their unpredictability. However, they could take place within a framework of predictability that enables risk reduction through public health policy.

Objetivo: determinar siel Estado puede ser responsable de las muertes causadas por el coronavirus. Metodología: se realizó una investigación exploratoria a través de sitios web oficiales del Gobierno Federal y del Superior Tribunal de Justiciabrasileños; Se empleó un método técnico-legal y deductivo, que incluyó un análisis conceptual de los fundamentos y requisitos legales encontrados en los estudios científicos y en la doctrina, así como observaciones jurisprudenciales similares. Resultados: la imprevisibilidad es una causa excluyente de indemnización, sin embargo, desde el punto de vista precautorio, la forma adoptada por el Gobierno en determinadas medidas y políticas frente a la pandemia es susceptible de generar responsabilidad por obligaciones indemnizatorias. Conclusión: los eventos pandémicos, por regla general, excluirían la responsabilidad por su imprevisibilidad, sin embargo, pueden encuadrarse dentro de una predictibilidad que permita acciones preventivas para resolver los riesgos a través de la gobernanza de la salud pública.

Health Law
Braz. dent. j ; 34(3): 25-32, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1447604


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the tissue repair capacity of four bioceramic endodontic sealers by quantifying type I and III collagen fibers. The following sealers were tested: EndoSequence BC Sealer (Brasseler, Brasseler, Savannah, USA), Bio C Sealer (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil), Bioroot RCS (Septodont, Santa Catarina, Brazil), and Sealer Plus BC (MKLife, Porto Alegre, Brazil). Polyethylene tubes 1.5 mm in diameter and 1 cm in length containing the endodontic sealers were implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of five rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar lineage). After 14 days, the animals were euthanized, and collagen fibers were quantified from the histological tissue sections. Given a non-normal distribution of the data, a gamma regression with log link function was employed and implemented through the generalized linear models module, was used to test whether there was a significant difference between the sealers. The pairwise comparison was performed using Least significant difference. There were significant differences between the sealers for type I (p=0.001), type III (p=0.023), and total collagen (p=0.002). Overall, Bioroot sealer was statistically superior to the other sealers, except in the analysis of type III collagen, in which there was no difference between the Bioroot sealer and Bio C Sealer sealer and the control group (p>0.05). Bioroot RCS bioceramic endodontic sealer stimulates a greater production of collagen.

Resumo Este estudo visou avaliar a capacidade de reparação de tecidos de quatro cimentos endodônticos biocerâmicos através da quantificação de fibras colágenas de tipo I e III. Foram testados os seguintes cimentos: EndoSequence BC Sealer (Brasseler, Brasseler, Savannah, EUA), Bio C Sealer (Angelus, Londrina, Brasil), Bioroot RCS (Septodont, Santa Catarina, Brasil), e Sealer Plus BC (MKLife, Porto Alegre, Brasil). Foram implantados tubos de polietileno de 1,5 mm de diâmetro e 1 cm de comprimento contendo os cimentos endodônticos no tecido subcutâneo de cinco ratos (Rattus norvegicus albinus, linhagem Wistar). Após 14 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados e as fibras colágenas foram quantificadas a partir de cortes histológicos do tecido. Diante de uma distribuição não-normal dos dados, uma regressão gama com função de ligação log, implementada por meio do módulo de modelos lineares generalizados, foi empregada para testar se havia diferença significativa entre os cimentos. A comparação dois a dois foi realizada utilizando Least significant difference. Houve diferença significativa entre os cimentos para os colágenos tipo I (p=0,001), tipo III (p=0,023) e colágeno total (p=0,002). No geral, o cimento Bioroot foi estatisticamente superior aos demais cimentos, com exceção na análise do colágeno tipo III na qual não houve diferença entre o cimento Bioroot e o cimento Bio C Sealer e o grupo controle (p>0,05). O cimento endodôntico biocerâmico Bioroot RCS foi capaz de estimular uma maior produção de colágeno.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 30(2): 1-14, 2023-05-08. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1538059


Background: Brewer ́s spent grain (BSG) is a biomass by-product generated in large volumes during industrial beer production. BSG has become a growing environmental problem, as most breweries discard it inappropriately, negatively impacting the environment. Alternatives for the exploitation of this by-product have consisted of elaborating food supplements for farm animals, obtaining biofuels, developing adsorbents, and obtaining substances for the food industry. However, the high moisture content in BSG (approximately 70%), poses a significant challenge in exploring various reuse alternatives. Therefore, the implementation of a pre-drying process becomes essential. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the BSG drying kinetics at different temperatures and the effect of the drying temperature on the physical properties and the content of bioactive compounds. Methods: BSG samples were dried at different temperatures (50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 105°C) and analyzed for their moisture ratio, water activity, total polyphenol content (TPC), and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil) radical scavenging activity. Also, four kinetics models were fitted to the drying data. Results:It was determined that the effective diffusivity was between 5.23x10

Antecedentes: El Bagazo residual de malta (BSG por sus siglas en inglés) es un subproducto biomásico generado en grandes volúmenes durante la producción industrial de cerveza. El BSG se ha convertido en un creciente problema para el medio ambiente, debido a que la mayoría de las cervecerías descartan inapropiadamente este residuo generando un impacto negativo al ambiente. Las alternativas para el aprovechamiento de este subproducto han consistido especialmente en la elaboración de suplementos alimenticios para animales de granja, obtención de biocombustibles, desarrollo de adsorbentes y obtención de productos para la industria alimentaria. Sin embargo, el alto contenido de humedad (~70%) del BSG representa un reto para el desarrollo de diferentes alternativas de reutilización, por lo que se hace necesario un proceso de secado previo. Objetivos: En este estudio se analizó la cinética de secado del BSG a diferentes temperaturas y el efecto de la temperatura de secado sobre sus propiedades físicas y contenido de compuestos bioactivos. Métodos: Las muestras de BSG fueron secadas a diferentes temperaturas (50, 60, 70, 80, 90 y 105°C) y analizadas en términos de razón de humedad, actividad acuosa, contenido de polifenoles totales (TPC) y actividad secuestradora del radical DPPH. Además, se ajustaron 4 modelos cinéticos a los datos de secado. Resultados: Se determinó que la difusividad efectiva del BSG varió entre 5.23x10

Humans , Malta , Temperature , Beer , Kinetics , Biomass
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218075


Background: COVID-19 has appeared as a pandemic and public health issue at a universal level. First documented as a respiratory disease, COVID-19 has been found to interrelate with and disturb the cardiovascular system causing myocardial injury and also cardiac dysfunction. Initial documentation of cardiac pathology can play a substantial role in dropping the death rate. This study emphasizes on the relationship between the serum levels of cardiac Trop I and prognosis in patients with and without pre-existing CAD in COVID-19 patients. Aims and Objectives: The first objective was to explore the association among the serum levels of cardiac Trop I and bad prognosis in patients with antiquity of CAD and without CAD. The secondary objective was to explore and understand whether increased Trop I is an appreciated prognostic indicator for COVID-19 patient antagonistic prognosis. Materials and Methods: This was conducted as a retrospective observational study in which a whole of 45 patients admitted in COVID Hospital of Malabar Medical College and Research Center category C were studied. The medical record of the patients whose COVID-19 confirmation done by combined conclusions of reverse transcription PCR, symptoms, and chest X-ray was studies by the team. Results: Mean age of the study participants was 59.3 ± 13.7. Every study participants had elevated Trop I levels with a median Trop I in study subjects being 397.9. There was a statistically significant elevation in Trop I levels in patients with CAD linked with non-CAD patients with a median IQR of 641.6 and P = 0.003 and there was a significant increase in Trop I levels in patients who expired related to patients who got discharged with a median IQR of 587.3 and P = 0.003. Conclusion: From this study, we accomplish that rise in cardiac troponin-I level is connected with elevated mortality in patients with COVID-19. Hence, it can be used as significant biomarker of disease evolution, hospitalization, and worse prognosis in COVID-19 patients.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220729


Background: Intraocular pressure (IOP)is an important ?rst indicator of probability and suspicion of Glaucoma. The virtual IOP status is grossly in?uenced by multiple factors including Refractive errors ,corneal biomechanics ,central corneal thickness(CCT) and Scleral rigidity. To compare relative IOP measurements and Aim: its variability in Emmetropes, myopic and hypermetropic patients using Schiotz, Goldmann Applanation(GAT)and I-Care Rebound tonometer to establish an equation between virtual and real time IOP. This observational Materials and Methods: prospective study comprised of 100 subjects above the age of 18 years inclusive37 Emmetropes , 31 Hypermetropes and remaining 32 belonged to myopia . Descriptive statistics were performed using SPSS for Windows Statistical Analysis : version 17.0 to calculate the demographic characteristics of the study cohort. The data were expressed as mean values including the standard deviation (SD) and the 95% con?dence interval (CI). Mean IOP measurements between Schiotz, I-Care and GAT were compared by One way ANOVA along with Individual pair wise comparison by applying Post Hoc Tukey Test for comparison of IOP measurements using a particular method of Tonometry in individuals of myopia, hypermetropia and emmetropia. The highest mean value of CCT 536.667 mum was in Hypermetropes whereas the lowest CCT value of Results: 507.031mum was in myopic eyes with statistically signi?cant (P<0.05). The mean value for IOP in Emmetropes was16.665 mm Hg for Schiotz , 15.027 Hg for GAT and 15.081 mm Hg for I –Care .Whereas Hypermetropes revealed mean value of 15.055 mm Hg for Schiotz , 14.323 mm Hg for GAT and 14.065 mm Hg for I –Care . The mean value for IOP in Myopic eyes was 16.875 mm Hg for Schiotz , 14.375 mm Hg for GAT and 14.688 mm Hg for I –Care . The study had revealed higher mean Conclusion : value of IOP in Myopic eyes as compare to Emetropic and Hypermetropic subjects.IOP measurements by the Schiotz tonometer were signi?cantly higher as compare to GAT and I-Care tonometer. Whereas recordings by GAT and I Care tonometers were almost in agreement .De?nitive correlation could not be established between pachymetry readings and adjusted IOP following GAT and I –Care tonometry .

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(3): 233-239, Mar. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439446


Abstract Background Neuropathic pain typically refers to the pain caused by somatosensory system injury or diseases, which is usually characterized by ambulatory pain, allodynia, and hyperalgesia. Nitric oxide produced by neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the spinal dorsal cord might serve a predominant role in regulating the algesia of neuropathic pain. The high efficacy and safety, as well as the plausible ability in providing comfort, entitle dexmedetomidine (DEX) to an effective anesthetic adjuvant. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of DEX on the expression of nNOS in spinal dorsal cord in a rat model with chronic neuropathic pain. Methods Male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomly assigned into three groups: sham operation group (sham), (of the sciatic nerve) operation (CCI) group, and dexmedetomidine (DEX) group. Chronic neuropathic pain models in the CCI and DEX groups were established by sciatic nerve ligation. The thermal withdrawal latency (TWL) was measured on day 1 before operation and on day 1, 3, 7 and 14 after operation. Six animals were sacrificed after TWL measurement on day 7, and 14 days after operation, in each group, the L4-6 segment of the spinal cords was extracted for determination of nNOS expression by immunohistochemistry. Results Compared with the sham group, the TWL threshold was significantly decreased and the expression of nNOS was up-regulated after operation in the CCI and DEX groups. Compared with the CCI grou[, the TWL threshold was significantly increased and the expression of nNOS was significantly down-regulated on day 7 and 14 days after operation in the DEX group. Conclusion Down-regulated nNOS in the spinal dorsal cord is involved in the attenuation of neuropathic pain by DEX.

Resumo Antecedentes A dor neuropática refere-se tipicamente à dor causada por lesões ou doenças do sistema somatossensorial. De modo geral, é caracterizada por dor à ambulação, alodinia e hiperalgesia. O óxido nítrico produzido pela enzima óxido nítrico sintase neuronal (nNOS) na medula espinhal dorsal pode ter um papel predominante na regulação da dor neuropática. A alta eficácia e segurança, bem como a plausível capacidade de proporcionar conforto, faz com que a dexmedetomidina (DEX) seja um adjuvante anestésico eficaz. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito da DEX na expressão de nNOS na medula espinhal dorsal em um modelo de ratos com dor neuropática crônica. Métodos Ratos Sprague Dawley (SD) machos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos: grupo de cirurgia simulada (sham), grupo de cirurgia (do nervo ciático; CCI) e grupo dexmedetomidina (DEX). Os modelos de dor neuropática crônica nos grupos CCI e DEX foram estabelecidos por ligadura do nervo ciático. A latência de retirada térmica (TWL) foi medida no dia 1 antes da cirurgia e nos dias 1, 3, 7 e 14 após o procedimento. Seis animais de cada grupo foram eutanasiados após a medida de TWL nos dias 7 e 14 após a cirurgia e o segmento L4-6 da medula espinhal foi extraído para determinação da expressão de nNOS por imuno-histoquímica. Resultados Em comparação ao grupo sham, o limiar de TWL diminuiu significativamente e a expressão de nNOS foi regulada de maneira positiva após a cirurgia nos grupos CCI e DEX. Comparado ao grupo CCI, o limiar de TWL aumentou de forma significativa e a expressão de nNOS caiu significativamente diminuída nos dia 7 e 14 após a cirurgia no grupo DEX. Conclusão A regulação negativa de nNOS na medula espinhal dorsal está envolvida na atenuação da dor neuropática pela DEX.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(2): 320-324, Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422633


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: A reliable predictor is needed for non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients with high mortality risk. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events and Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment-Troponin (qSOFA-T) scores on in-hospital mortality rate in non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients. METHODS: This is an observational and retrospective study. Patients admitted to the emergency department with acute coronary syndrome were evaluated consecutively. A total of 914 patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction who met inclusion criteria were included in the study. The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events and qSOFA scores were calculated and investigated its contribution to prognostic accuracy by adding cardiac troponin I (cTnI) concentration to the qSOFA score. The threshold value of the investigated prognostic markers was calculated by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. RESULTS: We found the in-hospital mortality rate to be 3.4%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events and qSOFA-T is 0.840 and 0.826, respectively. CONCLUSION: The qSOFA-T score, which can be calculated easily, quickly, and inexpensively and obtained by adding the cTnI level, had excellent discriminatory power for predicting in-hospital mortality. Difficulty in calculating the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events score, which requires a computer, can be considered a limitation of this method. Thus, patients with a high qSOFA-T score are at an increased risk of short-term mortality.